#FailForward Blog

Real Stories. Real life.

What is #FailForward?

Fail Forward is more than just a hashtag - it's a way of life. The concept was created by Jacob Brown, a former professional athlete turned businessman, entrepreneur, and inspirational speaker.

Failing forward (in a nutshell) means to use the failure, adversity, and the hard times we will inevitably go through to learn lessons, grow thicker skin, and help others.

Read the original #FailForward article Jacob wrote in 2018 describing how he failed forward throughout his career.

You Can Be Happy Now

Remove the idea that you will be happy “when” You won’t be happy when you make more money. You won’t be happy when you get that degree. You won’t be happy when you land that job. You won’t be happy … Read More

Finding Your Golden Buddha

In 1957, an entire Monastery in Thailand was being relocated by a group of monks. One day they were moving a giant clay Buddha when one of the monks noticed a large crack in the clay. On closer investigation he … Read More

Nathan Apodaca | TikTok Miracle

Just 2 months ago Nathan Apodaca, a.k.a Doggface208, was living out of his RV. He was working as a laborer at a potato warehouse in Idaho. Nathan went viral on TikTok when he took just a few seconds to film … Read More

You’re Closer Than You Think

If you feel like you’ve had enough – you’re closer than you think. If you feel like you’re going to break – you’re closer than you think. If you feel like you’re underpaid – you’re closer than you think. If … Read More

Ryan Jordan – Laying Low to Flying High

Have you ever realized you are wasting time and money? For me, this moment came in January of 2020. Actually, the day was January 21, 2020. I was working in the “box,” better known as the Fuels Service Center. The … Read More

Becky Ashcraft – Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

It was October 2015 and I was on vacation in Puerto Rico, where I first stood up on a paddleboard. Heading into the heart of San Juan I glanced over from my taxi window towards the ocean and saw people out on the … Read More

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